
Welcome to SRB2 World! Founded on July 14th, 2022, SRB2 World was originally only for events called "Topaz Events." Topaz Events was created as a response to the fading of SMS Events, offering a platform to relive and play old versions of SRB2. Our community has flourished since then, and we've become a hub for passionate players.

Notable Players

  • YouFoof
  • sdas
  • WebGame2k
  • sonic2208
  • ChaoLoveIceMDBoy
  • AJ Wood Jr.
  • CL_Supersonic923.wad
  • Spectrum
  • Survival46
  • SuperOfSrb2
  • tails13exe

Events and Highlights

Check out some images and possibly videos of our memorable events by clicking on these:

Pictures           Videos

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